Honore Park - Proposed


A small park on Honore south of Ward Lake would be an outstanding addition to our region. The park would provide access for neighbors to walk to and enjoy the lake. The Lake and adjacent land is owned by the City of Bradenton and could easily be leased by the County. The fence that keeps people away from the Lake should be taken down.

The successful Jiggs Landing Park on the other side of the Lake is operated by the County. It is a very nice facility but is a long and dangerous walk or bike ride from neighborhoods near Whitfield and Honore on Rt 70. A small park on Honore is a much better solution.

The map above and below is from the Manatee County GIS. It shows that all the property between the  Lake south to Honore is owned by Bradenton.  A simple lease agreement between the County and the City would enable the park.

Very little  money is required. The fence can be taken down and people will have access to the lake. Eventually a  small parking lot with access lining up with Magnolia Ridge would improve access, and a grass mowed path from Honore and the Lake would be desirable.

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Manatee County GIS